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​The Hayden Historic Registry

Hayden Historic Building Registry for private homes!

A few years ago, the HHC, with Mary Pat Dunn, the Curator, and the late Donna Hellyer, started the downtown sign project​ as a means to show the historical significance of still standing downtown business buildings and to correlate them with the downtown walking tour.  The signs have had a positive feedback from visitors and locals and have helped to create an awareness of the historical significance of our downtown, which we hope to continue with personal homes.  This is an honorary designation and open to all buildings that have an original structure constructed 75 years and older- regardless of additions, alterations already done or future renovations.

The process is simple.  Pay a $50 filing fee & fill out the registry packet.  The Museum staff will help you with research, and we will save a copy of the file in the Museums archives for safe keeping, future reference and/or for use for submission to Routt County Historic Registry.  Once the research is complete you receive a metal 12" x 18" plaque with historic photo if available (similar to the downtown signs) to display on your property.

This is a great starting point to county level and state level registries that offer more benefits such as tax incentives, etc.

Best of all you learn about the history of the place you call home!

Click here to download packet:

© Hayden Heritage Center

Phone: (970)276-4380


physical address:

300 W. Pearl St

Hayden Co

mailing address:

PO Box 543

Hayden Co 81639

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