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Yearbook Project

School Days....


Education was important to the settlers of Routt County. Small one room schools, which generally accomodated

1st thru 8th grade, were funded and built by residents across the county. Children walked, rode horses, or sometimes skied to school, which was often miles away from their homes. The first school in Hayden was established in 1882 and was held in a cabin on the Sam Reid Ranch (present day just west of the Routt County Fair grounds).

The first building in Hayden built solely as a school was a log cabin built in the 1890's on what is now Walnut St. This building was used until the Edison School was built in 1900.  


The Edison School served as both the elementary and high school until 1921 when the Hayden Union High School was built and the 7th thru 12th grades were moved to the new building.


The Edison School was located near where the present day Redstone Apartments are located. The back wing of the building served as the high school.


Can you identify any of these students?


The Hayden Union High School ca 1920's

Hayden students commemorated their school days, like many other schools, with annuals or the school yearbook. The Museum has a number of these yearbooks dating back to 1920 in the Leslie Memorial Research Library in the Museum.

In 2017, the Museum  participated with the OCI  (Oklahoma Correctional Industries) Yearbook Digitalization Program which digitalized the yearbooks.  Partnering with the Hayden Library and the Hayden High School, the Museum was able to pull together a full set of annuals from 1950-2010 to send for digitalization.

Click  below for the corresponding yearbook. Check back as we will be adding yearbooks!

Grungy Camera Brown

© Hayden Heritage Center

Phone: (970)276-4380


physical address:

300 W. Pearl St

Hayden Co

mailing address:

PO Box 543

Hayden Co 81639

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